Please refer to the following link for sample pages
251 basic English words for beginners to help them navigate their way around English and develop confidence at the same time. Students can look up the words they do not know in the dictionary. Colorful pictures help students recognize the meanings of the words they do know. Simple grammatical constructions for each page. 47 categories with a fun activity page after each category. A dazzling, color certificate for students who complete the book.
A parent-pleaser for sure!
I am a believer that we need to "meet" new vocabulary words seven times to remember them. The students "meet" these words seven times by seeing, reading, writing, translating them and then doing pair work with their partners. They are empowered with new vocabulary through positive, interactive Vocab Champ activities.
Helene Uchida, Vocab Champ co-author
Recommendations from our customers
We have used Vocab Champ #1 at our school since 2017. Our students and teachers love it. The book is colorful and beautifully laid out, and the best part is how user-friendly it is, even for a brand new student starting out. Our teachers love the fact that the book parallels the Challenge Books from Little America and helps reinforce and review the vocabulary learned in the past; students learn how to make sentences using the vocabulary learned. The activity pages are well thought-out, and our students enjoy the writing, coloring or matching practices. I would highly recommend this book as a supplementary material for your Challenge Book program or even for an additional vocab input with the writing practice. Let your kids be Vocab Champs!
David Chandler, Osaka
Level: Elem. School
Product Size: B5
Number of Pages: 48
ISBN: 9784947736482
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